Steam cleaning records 2

Continuation of large thread.
Kipdent & I have been communicating off the Thread . Together, we may have resolved the lack of a "Living Solution" Steam Cleaners at the Walgreens where he resides. "Walgreens Central" has agreed to ship one to near to his home as a result of Kip's request for item # 516414. Kip will not have to pay S/H & a $10 Rebate is now in effect. Total price about $20 bucks less local tax. Should anyone face the challenge of having a Walgreens nearby but they do not carry the handheld steam cleaner, use the above # to assist the store manager to faciltate your request. That # is apparently not properly indexed by Walgreens for easy ordering. Happy Spring Break.
By the way, it is through Crem1's tireless efforts to help that a solution (and order number) was found and the Living Solutions steamer can be obtained here in southern California, too. Thank you Crem1!
Readers: In a recent article , Michael Fremer , mentioned a water product he believes is suited to clean/rinse LPS.

Mr. Fremer, recommends the use of "Aquafina" , a pure botteled water product created from a seven-step process called "HydRO-7". Aquafina is botteled under authority of PepsiCo, Inc. and can be found in grocery markets in the USA & abroad. The "HydRO-7" process is said to be a state-of-the-art process removeing substances resulting in extremely pure water. For more information on the purification process visit

Personally, I'm buying a 6 pack for steam cleaning this week. Now, I can drink it while I steam it...(bad water joke).