Rega's T/T power supply: Is it worth the money?

I recently purchased a Rega P3-24 turntable with their Elys II cartridge. So far I have enjoyed what I have heard, but have played less than 25% of my LP's. I have read some reviews of Rega's TT PSU power supply as part of reviews of their tables. Nevertheless, at $375, it seems pricey considering the table and cartridge retail for $1200--- that is, the PS costs almost 30% of the rig. I have read that the difference with it in line range from subtle to a marked improvement in the sound. I would like input from members who own or have owned this upgrade....Also would the Project SpeedBox II work with the Rega P3-24??. Thanks, Jim

FYI, the P7 is only half again as much as a P5 with the TT PSU, which is the comparison to make, since the P7 comes with it's own, better oiptimized, PSU.
Piedpiper, last time I checked, the P7 without a cartridge was still at least $1000 more than the P5 (again without cartridge) plus the TTPSU, and that was before the dollar took such a beating recently. Regardless, it seems a pretty large consensus (based on what I have researched and heard from dealers and other audiophiles) that the price difference is not equal to the performance difference, in other words, it's better but not that much better than the P5. Do you feel otherwise? If so, I would love to hear why!
I went from a P5 with TTPSU to a P7. On the P5 I was using a Rega Exact cartridge. I trade up to the P7 one year later. The main difference between the two tables is the subplatter, bearings and ceramic platter (cool looking) on the P7. I did hear a sonic difference but not much. Plus, I am using a DV20XH on the P7. Both tables ae great. The P5 with TTPSU was Stereophiles 2005 analogue product of the year.

I wasn't arguing the judgement of whether it's worth the extra money or not, just that it's a closer call than you are portraying IMO. It appears from your last post that you still may not understand the pricing. Again, the price of the P7 (current list - $2695) includes a dedicated external power supply that is more finely tuned than that available to the P3/24 and P5 (current list w/TT PSU - $1770). So the differential is actually $925 total, still a lot, just not as much as you were saying.
OK, so I am $75 off - it is still over half again the cost of the P5 w/ PSU. And if the P5 does not have the PSU, than the P7 is indeed almost double the cost, as I said originally. My main point, though, was that many, including myself, feel that the P5 is a big step up from the P3.