2008 RMAF – – – all things analog.

I have two questions/comments on the 2008 RMAF below.

1) First thing…

Who’s Going?

I’m going for my second consecutive year. I enjoyed last year a great deal. I had wonderful discussions with analog types like Thom Mackris, Alvin Lloyd, Jeff Cantalono/Thomas Woschnik, and Frank Schroeder. I had time with my own LPs on all of their tables as well as quite a few others. I’m looking forward to this coming year as well.

If you are going to the 2008 RMAF, I’d like to know so I can meet some of you out in Denver.

2) Second thing…

Any suggested Table, Cartridge, Arms to pay particular attention to?

Again, If you are going to the 2008 RMAF, I’d like to know so I can meet some of you out in Denver.

Miguel & Larry, Hope to see you at RMAF.

Win, Your table looks interesting. What cartridge will you be running?

Could everyone of you attending the show use this thread to give live reports for all of us who cannot be there, that would be great !
Thank you in advance and have fun !!!
Larry Diaz, your photos are great, and the only solace for those of us who can't attend. Thank you!!!

I'll be there on Saturday and Sunday. It would be great to meet some of you guys.
I'll be there. Maybe with a camera or maybe not. I have a few things I very much want to hear. I will be hanging out w. High Water sound a bit and listening to some horns and "new technology" speakers.

On to the comment of the My Sonic Lab Eminent above. The Air Tight PC-1 is very close in sound, and maybe a little bit better. They are almost he same cartridge. There is a new My Sonic Labs Hypereminent that is out on the market as well. I want to hear the strain guage this time. It was not working in Munich this past May. We might be doing some cartridge shootouts in the Highwater Sound/ TW Acustics room if time permits or at night. I have a cartridge specially prepared for me to pick up at the show. It should be interesting.