Can't get the M2Tech Hiface Drivers to download

Every time I go to the Hiface website and attempt to download the drivers to my Mac the only thing that downloads is the installer package itself, not the actual drivers. Anyone else have a similar problem? Months ago I did this with ease but later fried the unit in a thunderstorm and the Mac stopped recognizing the unit, so now, with the new modified unit from John Kenny I cannot get the Mac to accept the new drivers - only the installation package. I have tried to download the drivers from the Geek website but have not been able to get that portion of their website to come up.

Anyone with similar issues that got resolved?
Puerto-I am currently using M2Tech EVO with Windows 7 PC
System. M2Tech Website has 2 Zipped Folders, one for MAC/
and one for PC. I know for PC, that there are two Application Files. One is Setup32, the other Setup64. Based on your System, one or the other of these unzipped
Files has to be installed. Not familiar with your MAC. Is it 32 Bit or 64 Bit System? Geek Website EVO Driver Search
just defers you to M2Tech Website.
After installation of Drivers, I still couldn't get
Sound thru DAC. Had to go to Attached Devices, and right click M2Tech Device. Had to set default setting for
particular Digital Output (SPDIF, AES/EBU, I2S...etc).
You could try these suggestions after you have tried all of the others. It sounds like the File is not installing in your Program Applications. Check your Control Panel to
verify if M2Tech File is running in list of Programs. Some
have no problem installing M2Tech EVO, for others its a
MESS! Strongly suspect lack of consistency in quality of
each M2Tech Unit. There is just too much wild variation to
be entirely blamed on operator error.
All of this could be avoided by having Installation
Driver already loaded onto M2Tech EVO itself. $100.00
Western Digital HD Back-up, $100.00 Netgear devices
automatically load up installation Wizard/Drivers upon
installation. Must be too much trouble for a $500.00 Device. Some think that I complain too much, I prefer not
to be a Tool being endlessly tasked to save a Corporation
big bucks. Most don't see it as a problem. I see it as
additional cost to me, on top of sticker price, according to my math. My time is just as valuable as anyone else's!
Pettyofficer: Thanks for the input. M2Tech is NOT showing up in the list of applications. Neither is it coming up as an option under Audio Sound options or Midi Set-up so my guess is that the drivers are simply not loading properly. I have followed all of the suggestions offered by Almarg, Tgrisham and others without any luck (they were excellent suggestions) so I will just keep hammering away until something positive happens. I appreciate all the input - really! I am totally frustrated at the moment and need to give it a rest.
There is one other option still untried: The disc that came with the Hiface. I will find a friend that has a "slide out" CD tray on their computer and see if I can burn a copy to use in my Mac. The disc is one of those really small sized ones and for sure if I stick it in the iMac it will never come out again.
Puerto-still unclear as to what happened during Thunderstorm. Was M2Tech Hiface fried? Was MAC damaged during Thunderstorm? Is this the M2Tech Hiface, or the
M2Tech Hiface EVO? What type of connection are you using
with M2Tech Device. If USB, try another USB Outlet. Existing USB Outlet could be fried if M2Tech Device got fried. If EVO, try another Wall Wart Power Supply with exact same Voltage as the one that came with the Unit.
Power Supply could be fried. In any case the M2Tech Device
must be fully functioning, attached to MAC, and Powered up
during Driver/Software Installation. MAC has to be able to
see M2Tech Device first before Configuration changes can be
made during Driver Installation. Your talking M2Tech Device
to your MAC, and MAC says "what M2Tech Device, I don't see
M2Tech Device". Could be bad connection between MAC and
M2Tech Device, or M2Tech Device could be so fried that
connection is not possible. You might need to replace it
prior to installing Driver.