Good Analog EQ

Looking to integrate some form of analog EQ as a temporary solution until I change my speakers (which is going to take a while).

I can appreciate that adding anything into the signal path is not ideal but I'm wondering if it might be a worthy tradeoff since I have a fairly high resolution system but am not hearing it all because of too much bass (and yes, I have some room treatment already).

If I unplug the low frequency speaker cable from one speaker I get a huge improvement in detail (but of course suffer in other ways), so I'm thinking if I get my hands on some decent equalizer I might be able to improve things.

I use digital room correction for digital sources, but obviously don't want to do this for LPs.

Thanks in advance.
FWIW, I just inserted a Velodyne SMS-1 ($600 at Audio into my system. (As a separate matter, I also added a pair of Velodyne SPLR-8 subs). The SMS is a room analyzer/active crossover/parametric eq that analyzes up to 200hz and provides 6 band of PEQ bewteen 20 and 120 cycles.

In my current room, I had bass issues that severely compromised the sound of my Verity Parsifal Encores. (Like you, I almost preferred the system without the Encore woofers on line.) I have had the P/E in 3 other rooms, all of which sounded much better. To start my project, I used the SMS with the Velodyne subs and Parsifal monitors. Bottom line: bass issues are gone. A 12hz bump at 80 hz is gone and several nulls are basically gone, too. I now have +/- 3db response (relative to 80 db) over the 25-200hz range. The mid range magic is back!

I'm still tweaking, but this combo sounds very good so far. It lacks some of the warmth of the straight P/E combo which crosses over symmetrically at 150hz. The SMS features a very flexible low pass, but the high pass is preset at 80hz/6 db per octave, which limits flexibility. If I decide to invest more, I may eventually look to an external high pass (Marchand) to allow me to bi-amp the P/Es at the same frequency & slope that Verity employs for these speakers.

If you can access the woofer in your speaker separately, or are willing to consider subs, the SMS-1 may be a good cost-effective option.

Good Luck,

Thanks again for the responses.

I do have the optional stands and I used to use them, but find they're more boomy with them than without (I attribute that to the bass port being more open).

I have spoken with Michael Kelly and I have auditioned other speakers. The others didn't overload the room the way the Aerials did, but the midrange sounded thin. I guess my room must be causing a null in the midrange as well. Both the Aerial 9's and LR5s seem do have a significant dip between 400 and 1000hz. I have a 15 db difference between these frequencies and 95hz where I have a huge bump (at least according to the graphs that Audyssey room correction shows me).

I have tried stuffing the ports of the 9's with dacron (from my pair of Von Schweikert VR4.5's, which never sounded boomy) but I think that just affects frequencies below where I have the bump and, as Michael Kelly predicted, makes the bass sound more congested at loud volumes.

I will try bringing my speakers further into the room to the positioning you mention, but since I cannot move my listening position, I wonder if I'd be too close - almost near-field monitor range of 4ft or so.
One other embarassing question, when measuring speaker position from the front/back wall, do you measure from the back of the cabinet or front(woofer)?

I run RCA from the pre to the SMS, then RCA out to my main amps and on to the Parsifal monitors. I also run RCAs from the SMS to my subs. This utilizes the 80hz roll off for the Parsifals.

If I decide to spring for a Marchand X-over, then I'll run a separate pre-out to the Marchand, by passing the SMS in the main signal path. For the bass, I'll still run through the SMS, out to a bass amp, and onward to the Encore woofers.

I believe that the SMS does A to D, for PEQ in the digital domain, but I'm honestly not certain. Since I've so far dealt with frequencies below 80hz, I'm not all that concerned. Whatever damage A/D does, in my room, it is dwarfed by the benefit of the PEQ at these frequencies.

If I want to cross to the Encore woofers at 150hz through the SMS, I'll find out if this favorable cost/benefit can be maintained up to those higher frequencies. As of right now, I haven't tried it, so I don't know the answer.


PS I fully understand the reluctance to add A/D to a minimal path, "purist" analog system. This recent experience has convinced me -at least on a preliminary basis - that, for deep bass, it's worth it.