Lenco owners - arm/cart discussion,suggestions?

Curious to hear what arms others are using on their Lencos, and experiences they may have particularly with MC carts.

I currently have a Lenco L75 with custom plinth and 2 armboards (one with RB300), along with a Nottingham Spacedeck/Spacearm.

Has anyone tried the Spacearm on the Lenco? Any feedback is much appreciated.

What other arms are people using, particularly with low output moving coils?

I would really like to try my van den Hul Condor on the Lenco for a real gauge of the table's performance. While I feel the RB300 is a good match on the table, it will not work well with the Condor.

Just curious of other people's experiences before I drill the other armboard for an A/B of the Spacearm/Condor on the Spacedeck vs. Lenco.

Am considering other arms (SME V, Graham Phantom or 2.2) so any experiences of these with the Lenco would be helpful.

Have also considered something like a Shelter 501 for the Rega arm. Any experiences with low output MCs, RB300, and the Lenco?
I think the 103 is simply a good performer and a good value, so it has been widely accepted. I look forward to trying the Graham with other cartridges as well.
Just as a follow up - I mounted the Spacearm and vdH Condor on the Lenco. Need to resolve some VTA related issues - ran out of travel and still too far above level (and don't want to just use a really thick mat), but all in all my first impressions of the Lenco table are extremely favorable.

on the subject of lenco's, can anyone for a jean natais plinith some cone footer figuration for me?


Lewm, what arm did you have on that Hyperspace?

Currently I have a Moerch DP6/Dyna 17D3 on a Space 294. I've had a couple of Nottinghams. I preferred them with different arms (Rega, Origin Live, Micro Seiki). I felt they made the tables sound more dynamic than with the Space/Ace Space arms.

I have an L75 on the way from Canada. The plan is to do some maintenance on it and then build a plinth. I'll try the DP6 arm on it. I’ve had one supposed belt drive destroyer here already, and need to hear it for myself.
Audiohifila, here's what I did with a Nantais-built table. Replaced Jean's
carriage bolts with Mapleshade Threaded Heavyfeet. Mapleshade has these
solid brass footers in stock with the same 3/8 x 16 thread size hangar bolts
already attached. Just screw them into the carriage bolt holes and enjoy the
improvement. Three of the Heavyfeet cost $120 (total) and are well worth it,
IMO. Dave