SRA Isolation Platform under a Turntable

Has anyone used a SRA iso platform under their turntable? I have heard that amps and preamp benefit greatly from the SRA iso bases, but do turntables reap the same benefits, or are the improvements smaller?

I am using the VR 3.0 bases under my preamp and amp. This is one of the best upgrades I have ever done, but the cost to put one under my VPI Aries 2 Extended TT is pretty high, so I would like to get some opinions.
Yes! I ordered an SRA VR3.0 for my Nottingham spacedeck and love it. I did try my nottingham with stillpoints and got increased detail that at times was a bit bright and fatigueing. I tried a maple butcher block, did improve over the standard "plinth" but did not have the detail of the still points. I got the SRA, which was made specifically for the nottingham spacedeck, and I got all the detail and more, increased base, much tighter, no fatigue, and bigger deeper soundstage. I like it a bunch. Highly recommended.
An SRA base under your turntable will likely be an instantly audible improvement!
The SRA bases under any audio component will make a clear difference and audible improvement as described above.
I think it would definitely be an improvement. VPI tables especially benefit from good isolation. I looked into SRA when I wanted more inert isolation for my Super Scoutmaster with rim drive but the line of communication broke down and I ended up going with a platform from Critical Mass Systems(the Master). I'm sure the results are quite simialar to what you'd get with the SRA. Compared to bare maple the CM base allows detail to come through but without the tendency for occasional edginess. Compared to a Gingko base(which is also very good) I notice less bloat in lower frequecies. In short, the whole presentation seems more tonally balanced with higher listening levels being less fatiguing which I always take as a good sign I'm on the right track. The SRA product seems like a good one. I think I hit them at a bad time and they just weren't answering my e-mails. I also can unconditionally reccomend Critical Mass. Joe is one of the good guys in audio and he'll make sure you're satisfied.