SP10 Mk II vs Mk III

A couple of guys here were planning to do listening comparisons of the Technics SP10 Mk II vs the Mk III, in their own homes and systems. Has anyone actually completed such a comparison? I am wondering whether the "upgrade" to the Mk III is actually worth it in terms of audible differences between the two tables. Possibly mounting either table in a well done wooden or slate plinth mitigates any sonic differences that would otherwise be heard. I am thinking of Albert Porter and Mike Lavigne in particular, who were going to do the comparison. Thanks for any response.
The SP10 MkII power supply has three voltages +5V, +32.5V and +140V. The 140V supply is used to power the strobe light. It is simple half wave rectifier circuit using a single diode, protected by a 315mA fuse - always check fuse F3 before anything else.

The two voltages responsible for operation, +5 volt and +32.5 volt are the only important ones. The strobe is not necessary and most people agree it only adds noise.

I wonder if it would improve performance of MK2 if a tube circuit were designed to replace the stock Technics supply?
Kmccarty, I know of such a tech, in the Washington DC/northern VA area. He is highly skilled and of very high integrity. Consequently, he has a backlog of work for 6-8 weeks at all times. (He's got my Mk II now and previously did my Denon DP80.) If you want more info, please contact me via e-mail.

Albert, Assuming I ever could find a Mk III, does it too have an oiled bearing, and does it require a shipping bracket for transport?
Just wanted to say that my SP10MKII is up and running, Thanks to my friend Jean for drilling my armboard (and making the plinth!) The Fidelity Research FR64S with a new SPU Classic GM E MKII is a nice combo on this set-up. My FR64S also has the B60 VTA adjuster , very nice. I will update the photos for my system as they are very out of date.
Albert, interesting point about the strobe and noise, I may just leave it disabled! But I do want to get a Tech to update the caps, Thanks all, and sorry for Hijacking this thread, Just seemed like a great place to ask some SP10 questions,
John T
Strobe adding noise? Wish I understood more about electronics to judge if this is likely.

KAB offers a strobe disabler switch for the 1200 series tables. In response to my questions on this idea for the SP-10 series, friends with electronics knowledge scoff at the idea saying it is such an overbuilt and sophisticated design that disabling or switching out the strobe would not have a sonic impact.

So, anyone here who has actual experience with this mod to share with the rest of us?