Lyra Titan i and Olympos SL

Has anyone heard both the Lyra Titan i and Olympos SL? Can he/she tell me the sonic differences between the two? Your comment is most appreciated. Thank you.
As Rauliruegas said, cartridges can be system dependent. For instance, if u have a bright system, then a rolled off cartridge will help balance it, etc.

One thing that is probably of the utmost importance in regards to the Titan is the choice of arm. The better the arm, the better the sound of the Titan. In other words, besides just matching mass, how the cartridge and arm interact eg. how the arm treats the arm energy produced by the cartridge tracing the groove will have a huge effect upon the resultant sound. You can get out of phase reflections that among other things, greatly affect dynamics.
Hi Tora,
how did the story go on?

Other, newer impressions about and comparisons between Titan i and Skala and Olympos?
The Titan i has endless details and the Olympos is one step ahead and sounds so close to the real thing like nothing else out there.
But to get the best out of it, it really needs a very good System. I listened to it twice before in different Systems (even very expensive ones) and it was very disappointing. I needed some time to discover, that this cartridge works in a different way.

Left side Titan i, Right side Olympos
It is very funny with the Olympos. Most people who listen to it the first time do not get the spirit of this wonderful system even when it is precisely adjusted. This is ok. I have experienced this many times. So it looks like one needs a personal access to the Olympos because it really sounds different to most common cartridges.

Maybe the designers of the Olympos do know this very well.

On the other hand it is true not every arm and TT matches with the Olympos. In the Copperhead on the Continuum Criterion the Olympos feels very well!
On the other hand it is true not every arm and TT matches with the Olympos. In the Copperhead on the Continuum Criterion the Olympos feels very well!
That's because Continuum used Lyra cartridges (particularly the Olympos and Titan i) to 'voice' both the Cobra and Copperhead arms.

You're a luck man Tuchan!
