Lyra Titan i and Olympos SL

Has anyone heard both the Lyra Titan i and Olympos SL? Can he/she tell me the sonic differences between the two? Your comment is most appreciated. Thank you.
Syntax, with all due respect,
"the more expensive or rare a unit is, the more it is hyped" can't argue with that one!
"Some of the real expensive ones are indeed nothing special, more or less good for the Ego of the owner only." I know you said *some*, but I have never heard any of these. Excepting the case of MM vs MC, where the cheaper MM is often a match for the more expensive MC (both well set-up, of course).
"Cartridges are mostly a tool to compensate something in the Playback System" You've lost me here.

"sometimes I wonder what would happen when a cartridge would do everything right and the price would be "only" 2k$."
I'd be queueing up along with you and most of the others here, no doubt :)! Regards
Syntax I love quoting you. It is so much fun.

"Of course most love the Olympos (because it is so rare and you can't get it when you want...) but after all my years in analog I know, most don't know why that one is special. Even when they buy it, they won't hear it. Because their System can't show the difference.It is not more of detail, deeper bass than others, the abilities are somewhere else."

Man you are the best. Our poor deaf ears, poorly resolving systems. We just don't know how to listen or what we are doing. We of course (thankfully) are not you. Please come & teach us what we do not know.
How about using an uncolored turntable? It helps to rate something properly.
I am getting a bit tired talking always about the price issue. In fact it is an issue. but dear friends who is paying the prices the dealer next door wants from you? Come on be serious, I gues no one among us - or he has a problem on how to spend money...

And here we end up with the wonderful Ferrari against Toyota race. Nothing is wrong with both cars, maybe the faster one is a little overpriced for bringing you from A to B. Nevertheless do you like it? Year! You like it, come on. Or are you telling me you enjoy driving a reasonable car? In this case you are no Car Afficinado? What are we, Audio-Afficinados, of course. So please pull the plug regarding the price/marketing topic. I stressed it long time too.

Competition between fast cars is nice but isnĀ“t it better to focus on the driver sitting in the fast car. Drivers are different and styles are different as we are listening in different ways. I would never be proud to be different to other audio listeners. Of course I am different but so what? Am I the better Audio Man? No, not all. But who feels better believing so it is ok. Let em do.