What tonearm is recommended for the denon 103r

I know this has been covered before a million times, but I can't find one thread in which the title mentions this. Thank you.
Without naming names, you'd want a tonearm with enough effective mass so that the arm/cart resonance occurs at around 10hz. Like 16g or more.

Hi Blueranger.
I've used the 2.2 with the Uwe bodied DL103R. It worked fine. However, when I added a headshell weight (7.5g) to the DL /Graham I liked the sound better. I also got my above noted arm/cart res to happen near 10hz this way with the Graham.

The Graham 2.2 is an impressive arm, imho. And it also helps that it is capable of so much adjustment....even to its mass.

Yet it seems like a mismatch. The DL-103 is beneath it.

At the moment I'm using a Zeta tonearm with the Uwe bodied DL103-R on a TD124 and feel this to be a fairly good match-up. Dynamic, slammy and surprisingly detailed.
