Audio Technica AT 666 is loosing air

My Audio Technica AT 666 is loosing air and want to see if any else has had this problem. if so how did you get yours fixed?
Dear Rugyboogie: It could help you if you wash with water and a neutral-soft soap, specially the rubber rings, then dry with a cotton clothe and finally you take a tape ( scotch one ) all over the rubber rings to take out the debris that leave the cotton clothe.

I think this can help you to restore as original.

Regards and enjoy the music.
Hi Rugyboogie,

Try a rubber rejuvinator on the seals. The will stop you loss of air.
Dear Rugyboogie: Agree, the Etbaby advise works too.

Regards and enjoy the music.

I have done the cleaning but she still looses air. I will try to find a rubber conditioner. In the mean time I will do a soap test to see where its leaking from.

Thanks Raul and Etbaby.
Dear Rugyboogie: Please check that on the outside rubber ring it is still all around ( outside the ruber ring ) a nylon thread, if it is good but if loose it then you have to replace because with out it does not works.

Regards and enjoy the music.