Linn Sondek Isolation

Hi All,

I recently acquired a mid-80's Sondek. It's being tuned and will be back in my eagerly waiting hands in a few days. I will be putting the table in small wood audio cabinet.

Do I need to set the table on isolation feet or perhaps the entire audio cabinet?


Don't listen to Buconero, but Schipo, Stanwal, Theo and Palewin are all correct.
I am trying to remember how far I was able to throw my LP12 after the last time I got up to get a drink (while it was playing a record) and it shook the hell out of my woofer cones? What a nightmare... I had it on a 161 pound turntable stand... yes, yes, yes I have hardwood floors... but still. Solution, Dual 1229 with Grace 747 tonearm. I can jump up and down and the table never moves. Not only that, I once again am enjoying the pace, pitch and power of idler drive, something that the Linn could never ever (even with $8000.00 in the never ending ongoing upgrades, power supplies, bearings, clips, motors etc., etc, etc.) come close too. I agree with the USED TANK idea, it is Brilliant (might want to sell that one to Linn as another upgrade!). Had I thought of it, I might still be using an LP12.
I made my own out of 5/8 plex approx an 1 1/4 inches larger than the LP12 on each side. For the legs, I used 1/4 inch bolts and 2 nuts (one on for the top of the base and one for the bottom). This allows me to adjust each bolt for a perfect level base. Underneth each bolt (leg) I used 1/4 thick artist erasers which I cut 1"x1". I would imagine this would be considered light and somewhat flexible. It works well, and allows you to adjust for level no mater where you locate the table, including wall brackets.
Lightweight and rigid is the way to go - an old Sound Organization table works quite nicely. You might also try the Neuance platform which a lot of Linn folks really like:

Normansizemore, using an LP12 on a very high mass stand is like pouring gas into the fuel tank of a diesel car and then complaining the car wouldn't run properly. It needs to be on a light 'table or, ideally, a wall shelf. I had a Sondek on a wall shelf 75' from a diesel train track and the LP12 NEVER skipped, even as the whole place shook as the train went by.