Linn Sondek Isolation

Hi All,

I recently acquired a mid-80's Sondek. It's being tuned and will be back in my eagerly waiting hands in a few days. I will be putting the table in small wood audio cabinet.

Do I need to set the table on isolation feet or perhaps the entire audio cabinet?


Lightweight and rigid is the way to go - an old Sound Organization table works quite nicely. You might also try the Neuance platform which a lot of Linn folks really like:

Normansizemore, using an LP12 on a very high mass stand is like pouring gas into the fuel tank of a diesel car and then complaining the car wouldn't run properly. It needs to be on a light 'table or, ideally, a wall shelf. I had a Sondek on a wall shelf 75' from a diesel train track and the LP12 NEVER skipped, even as the whole place shook as the train went by.
Headsnappin, and you think my audio dealer would have told me that? NOOOOOOOOOO, he is the one who sold me the behemoth stand to begin with, as well as the LP12 and the $$$ years of upgrades. I honestly never thought of using a lighter stand. You always hear of stories of stands filled with lead shot, and extra ballast so as to be unmovable.

Hey Norman, hopefully you've upgraded your dealer as well as the turntable! It is not your job to think of a lighter table, any Linn dealer would know that. Or did they sell you that used and are not trained by Linn?

My Dealer was a (is still) a Linn dealer. I bought new, and the dealer spent nearly six hours setting the table up the first time. After that, the stand came into play. A few months went by and then the upgrades started. Now I know that the Linn is a good table, because I have heard them dialed in on good systems. Mine, just wasn't meant to be...