Horrible Squee-gy Noise from Stylus


All of the sudden I'm hearing a squeegy like noise during play back. As if I were dragging my hands across wet glass. I dont recall this happening with any other table or cartridge I owned. I've checked with well over 20 albums to make sure it wasnt any specific label/pressing company/etc.

I'm using the MMF7 with the factory installed Goldring cartridge. Its just started in the past few plays (and the albums I used to confirm). The cartridge probably as 15 hours on it--max.

Can anyone help here? I'm freaking out.
If anyone would be willing to come look at my set up that would be very helpful.

I live in Newport, KY. Very near Cincinnati, OH. Its a modest system, but it keeps me really happy.

I will certainly keep you guys informed of any improvements/developments.

I'm in your area. Maybe I can help you. I'll try to send you an e-mail so we can talk.

Hmmm. If it makes music OK and you only hear the noise btwn tracks and on lead in that's a very different circumstance then I understood. The stylus is almost certainly on the cantilever, so it sounds to me like some sort of feedback or oscillation. Do you have any other sources? Is it present w other sources? What is the rest of your system?

The system: MMF7 w/ Goldring Eroica, Marantz 2215b, Infinity RS5

I set up my old technics table as well, the problem is not present in that set up. the sound problem is not feedback. I'm concerned now that the MMF7 and cartridge is damaging my records -- I played a brand new album last night, the first time I heard no sound (other than a little surface noise), played it again and its getting the scratchy sound.

I've quit playing the records all together, contacted the dealer, and they have referred me back to Music Hall -- checked my email this morning and Music Hall has referred me back to the dealer. How classic.

My first table cost 150 bucks used, lasted me 5 years with no issue, this one cause 10x that and it didnt make it a week. I'm sure you guys can understand the dismay.
F.W. The name of the game you are in is "Getting the Dealer to Perform" and the best way to do that is to get the manufacturer on his back ;-) The dealer (whether local or online) is definitely the responsible party if your unit is in warranty and it's an authorized MH dealer. Was the dealer's referral back to Music Hall in writing (email, etc?) I'll assume not (otherwise all you'd have to do is forward a copy of their refusal to help you to MH) So the next thing is to get the name of the store manager so you can email it along with the store name and phone number to MH, with a note indicating that THEIR dealer is refusing to help you (you should send/email the dealer a copy.) That should get something going (probably a 'Return Merchandise Authorization' so the dealer can send it back to Music Hall.) DO NOT attempt to fix it yourself or allow the dealer to "see if he can fix it" ;-) It needs to go back to the factory in order to maintain your warranty rights.

As for the problem, I'm similarly perplexed as Swamp. My (only) guess after the details you provided, is that the stylus may have a chip in it. It DOES happen, and would be hard to see except under high magnification. I'm not saying for sure that's the problem, but if it is, you don't want to play any records with it until it's fixed.