Phono Stage Hum

I have been experiencing hum on the input from my phono preamp. In the past, any problem like this has typically resulted from a ground issue, but the ground seems to be well grounded. The hum/noise starts somewhere around the 25% mark on the volume.

The system:

KAB modded Technics 1200 w/ Audio Technica 150 MLX Cart.
Zu Xaus cable
Jolida JD 9A phono stage (high output line out)
(I have it set to no gain, but to the impedance to match the cart.)
Zu Gede
Jolida JD 102B Integrated

I have a second system that I can run my turntable through to trouble shoot. I don't get any noise over the line from my DAC (fed by my cdp and my digital library).

Any thoughts as I start the troubleshooting process?
One more update:

-I ran the turntable directly into the phono stage of my Creek 5350 SE. No hum.

-I then ran the turntable into the JD 9A and the JD 9A to the Creek. Hum.

It seems to me that it is clearly something in the phono preamp. Right? or in the connections/settings.

Off to play around with the placement and settings on the 9A.

The phono pre-amp seems to be the suffering piece.

Hopefully it is just external magnetic fields that can be taken out of the equation (like kryptonite with SUperman) rather than some inherent problem with the piece itself.

Good luck.
I think it might be something external. I have slowly dismantled and reassembled my system. I also reset the impedance on the phono preamp. I have reduced the noise/hum significantly but just discovered that at very high volume levels (with nothing playing) that it is picking up radio signals!?!?! It does not happen when I run my turntable directly into my Creek. It does happen over either amp when I introduce the Jolida phono preamp.

Right now, I have the gain set to the factory recommend and I'm running out on the "low" line out. The sound is great, and I never really get to the 50% point on that amp with the Druids, but it seems like there *should* be someway to clean up that noise.

I did recently read a review on 6moons of a device that is supposed to clean up external fields (if I remember correctly).
