Where to buy record cleaning fluids

Elusivedisc and eBay are out of aivs fluid?

Is it discontinued?

Any recommendation especially discount!
IPA (isopropyl alcohol) does not contribute to cleaning and is basically unnecessary in most solutions.

Surfactants are the active chemicals in record cleaning formulas; alcohols are drying agents.

But the odor of alcohol may increase the user's perception that the solution is a more effective cleaner than one without.
Isopropylalchohol is used in tape recorders to clean the tape path.

It's dissolving and subversive tendencies when rubbing or brushing is a help to clean the vinyl.

Isopropyl alcohol has a very low theoretical Kauri Butanol value and therefore is a poor choice to remove oil and grease from plastic.

It is a drying agent as stated; your tape recorder example is irrelevant.

It's always a good idea to know the subject matter before posting.
Yes; It's always a good idea to know the subject matter before posting.
And I do.
Most certainly.
After using this method with better success than all the alternatives in cleaning vinyl LP's (exept ultra sound) for more than 30 years.

Theoreticaly, a bumblebee can't fly.
Figure that out...............in theory.

"Dry LP's with a drilling machine as a kind of centrifuge."

That's something I'd like to see. Please post a video on YouTube.