Turntable set up HELP

OK, I have majorly messed something up and need expert advice. I set up my turntable a few months ago, and had no real problems, but I wanted to take it to the next level so I bought a Walley Tractor (well I ordered it in October, got it in January) and I tried to use it today. Well after I adjusted the cartridge using the Wally tractor, re-adjusted the needle force and anti-skate and put on a record. Well about 2 minutes in the record started to skip. Adjusting cartridge force again, anti-skate nothing helps. All the records skip. Platter is still level, I can't figure it out. Took everything off, re-set up, still skipping???

Have never used a wally tractor but first I would put things back the way they were before wally entered the scene.See if I miss read the instructions. Then go step by step and see which step causes the problem. Someone else with more experience may have a better idea but this seems like a reasonable first step to me.
Good Luck
I did re-set up with the Clearaudio jig now, and still skipping?? I am stuck, what the >>>>>>> ?????
still attached, sounds fine until it starts skipping, and I have adjusted, re-adjusted, and re-re-adjusted the antiskate. Dudes I can't figure this out??? It was fine....