Are you using anti-skating or not

On my side i always got better result without using anti-skating.

And you?
I am running a Graham Phantom with a ZYX airy 3 and i have the antiskate set to zero. This does not mean i have no antiskate the weight is still there just moved as far in as possible so still a little bit of antiskate. I found once i used the Mint Tractor and my alignment was as close to perfect as i can get i was able to reduce my antiskate setting to zero. I tried removing the weight but it didn't sound right.
It's impossible to set appropriate antiskate for each record, at every point of the record. I've found that a (very) small amount of antiskate is a good compromise.

And no, there are no tracking issues, and I don't set VTA "higher than optimum".

I currently own 11 arms, and 5 TTs....
> Audiofeil
>I use no anti-skating with any combination of 5 tonearms and 14 cartridges.
>Don't need excessive VTF and there is no mis-tracking.
>However, you do need a very precise alignment. This is critical.

This is exactly what i have experimented and think about it.
>>Audiofeil...Evidently your cartridges work OK with non-vertical VTF<<

No, evidently you are wrong about the necessity of anti-skating.
Just to clarify you guys deny that a skating force exists? I accept that some cartridge/arm combos can function OK in spite of the force. But it can't help.