Rega P3-24 Vs VPI Scout.

With these tables being so very close in price... which is the better table? I listen to classic rock, alt, indy, a tiny bit of jazz. I also have B&W speakers(if that helps.) oh and this is my first turntable... Not really sure what is going on.

These tables are loved by almost everyone... I can't seem to put one above the other. PLEASE HELP!
The better comparison would be between the P5 and the Scout. $1,800 for a Scout and $1,795 for a P5 with the optional power supply. That should make for good conversation.
All you have to do is hear them and you will pretty quickly know which one is for you. Chocolate and vanilla.
the price of a p3-24 is 1300 with the psu. the price of a scout "B" is 1300.

there is no where in Gainesville, fl. that I know of that even has a turntable hooked up. I have been to the two high end audio stores and no vinyl.

So, I have to make a blind decision... any help is soooo appreciated!
Tough call. I have the P5 and had 2 Scouts. One was stock the other with all up grades including the SDS. Then I tried the P5, optional power supply, dynavector 20XH.
Still have the P5 if that tells you anything. The Scout is a very good table, same as the P5. Just that I prfer the sound of the Rega over the VPI.
My though now would be to try the P9, just can't part with the P5 right now.
Either way, I don't see you going wrong.
The Rega has been the most plug and play table that I have owned. I have a P9 and it just sounds great and no messing around. Make sure you save about $100 for a Mint tractor to align your cartridge properly.