VPI Scout "tweaks"

My analog rig consists of a Scout with JMW-9, Dynavector 10X5, SDS, Sutherland Ph3d, VPI turntable IC, and Gingko Cloud 9. I have the geometry set via MintLP. The rest of my system is comprised of Vandersteen 2Ce sigs, Rogue Magnum 66, Anthem MCA-20 and Audioquest Diamondback IC's and Bedrock speaker cables.
It sounds really good so my question is...are there any upgrades/tweaks that will make a definitive improvement, short of buying a new table? I have about $1k to spend. Thanks in advance.
Ag insider logo xs@2xkmulkey
Can you tell me what the part number is? I'm still a bit confused by their website.

It is 1.5AP-1A.5. with 1/4-20 thread. The coupling discs have only one size. Stan
4, they replace the original VPI feet. You unscrew them and screw these in in their place. Very straightforward. Takes about five minutes if you are younger, 10 if you are my age.