Teres Versus with Galibier/Redpoint?

I'm planning to add another turntable to my system(currently have VPI SSM rim drive/10.5i). Along with the Raven AC, I'm most intrigued by the Galibier Stelvio and Redpoint Model D. Any of these tables would allow the flexibility of Differing/multiple arms and a contrast to the sound of the VPI. One potential advantage to the Galibier and Redpoint might be the ability to position the Teres Versus next to the platter as an alternate drive method. In this way, one might be able to use direct drive and tape drive interchangably. Does anyone have experience trying this or is the tape drive good enough that this would make little difference?
That sounds like a fun tour but the trip to Highwater is during a visit with my wife and three oldest children at my brother's in New York. I'm afraid I won't have time to visit Pennsylvania and wouldn't want to impose on Doug. Freedom is a luxury I don't always have.

it's been a while since this thread had been active but I was curious as to how you made out with your turntable search.I have my suspicions, but I want to hear it from you.
What has your search lead you to?

Inquiring minds wanna know...
I heard the Teres at Doug and Paul's, the Raven AC at Highwater, and Galibier(Gavia with Stelvio platter) at Thom's. I honestly enjoyed all of them and a choice between the TW and Galibier tables would still be a tough one. My mind was made up(for now) when I visited Albert Porter and heard what he's been doing with the Technics direct drives and his custom plinth design. I bought his custom mk2 and am using it with the 312s magnesium arm and Air Tight PC-1 Supreme cartridge through the Allnic H3000/L4000 pair. I feel this combo actually tops all these fine tables at a fraction of the price and is simple to operate.
I've also found that I'm quite happy with the sound of the VPI SSM Ref through the Allnic pieces. For now, I'll continue running it as well with the Benz LP. I also have an extra Arm wand for the VPI that I will soon be mounting the Dynavector xv-1s mono on. Switching between mono and stereo takes less than a minute this way.
I wouldn't rule out a TW or Galibier table in the future(or a Technics mk3?), but for now I'm done and continue to be astounded at the sound I'm getting.
That's probably more than you ever wanted to know about my system but there you go. Thanks to all I auditioned with. It was great meeting you all.
Has anyone tried VHS tape for tape-drive? They are cheap and plenty to go around...

that's quite interesting,I had you pegged for a TW of some type judging by your posts.

I totally agree with you about the difficulty of choice between the Galibier (any model) and the TW Acustic.As one A'Gonner stated "it depends on which side of the bed I woke up on" and another, "if I had to make the choice again I could have gone the other direction"
However, I must say,it seems that the community of Galibier owners (Teres as well) and support is very positive and must be considered by anyone considering taking the plunge,this is just my my observation.

I see you have been well traveled in these last few months.
Isn't it a great situation to be in having to decide among such great tables,designs and designers?

In short the Technics sounds killer,judging by the fact that you we're a to audition 3-4 tables in such a close span of time.your audio memory must have been taxed but the fact you chose the SP-10 above the killer 3 you've auditioned says ALOT!
I will keep my eyes peeled for more about them.