Well-Tempered Golf Ball?

In this month's TAS they describe the Well-Tempered Amadeus as follows: "tonearm is suspended from fishing line (which I've seen and understand) and damped with a golf ball."

Can someone explain this golf ball? Are we talking a Titleist here or merely something that reminds the author of a golf ball?
You can look at it this way. There are three "versions" of the table. There is the standard Amadeus, which has a Dual Layered lacquered MDF sandwich plinth and an Acrylic Platter.
There is the "GT" which Which is the same except that it has a Dual Layer acrylic sandwich plinth and a Acrylic platter. The non GT has a white golf ball. The GT has a black golf ball. Then there is a version marketed by Dynavector. That is called the DV500. That is a table that is specifically made for the Dynavector arm. I really like the look of the GT. If my vanity proves to strong, I may get that one. There are a few reviews floating around and they all state that is a great player.
Compared to a Grand Prix Monaco and Dr.Fickert it still sounded great.

And please tell us all what is the retail price of the above system?
The basic table is $2850 minus cartridge.(white golf ball). If I remember correctly they were running a Dynavector XV-1. I think that is $4500. So total is $7350. Not chump change to be sure. The Grand Prix table was over $30,000 probably and the Dr.Fickert was probably over $15,000. I don't intend on getting that cartridge. I am going to get the DV17D3. But even other reviewers who have used the table with "basic" carts have indicated that it sounded great.

Given that you've owned WT products in the past, do you really believe the WT tonearms are easy to set up? I bought your Well Tempered Record Player, and found the WT arm incredibly tweaky compared to any fixed bearing arm.

David nice hearing from you. I agree with you that the WTT arms are somewhat tweaky, but over a short time things start to snap into place and the table becomes very stable with a long period of time. I hope and I'm sure that the new table from WT is much less and according to many a breeze to setup and a large improvement in performance. My only other complaint was with the early arm's fragile tonearm cartridge clips, so lets hope that this has been addressed. I have no problem excepting that there are better tables out there. But it seems that Linn as a following of religious fanatic's that like to shout everyone down with how great their table is. When in all actuality, it was bye passed in sound quality over 20years ago by other tables.