Well-Tempered Golf Ball?

In this month's TAS they describe the Well-Tempered Amadeus as follows: "tonearm is suspended from fishing line (which I've seen and understand) and damped with a golf ball."

Can someone explain this golf ball? Are we talking a Titleist here or merely something that reminds the author of a golf ball?
Audiogoners are well informed and have very strong opinions on all thing audio, myself included and many are well to do, myself unfortunately not included.
I have just gotten an Amadeus and I can say from hearing it at length that it is a nice sounding turntable amongst many others TT's in production.Yes, it is wacky and yes there are some design features that are perplexing to some. I am not going to fan the flames of the nay sayers buy saying it is the best deck in the world but until you hear one please try not to be too suspect and condemning . To each his own. Golf anyone? LOL
It's quite easy, Lewm, if you can understand it all. The arm isn't the least finicky, and in some ways is quite a departure from the old WT. Firebaugh has made it easier for you, not harder--that's the beauty of it, and it sounds better.
check here.....
At the WTL blog, found through the "Resources" page at welltemperedlab.net:


Take care
I wonder if the damping fluid viscosity is critical,
I bet It is. Great idea IMO. I wonder if a thread
(Schroder style) would yield even better results.

Hey what about a Ginko style Base with 4 Golf Balls
to complete the look.
Yes, socoaste, the fluid viscosity should be what Firebaugh recommends--you wouldn't want to float your ball in just anything, now would you?

Could be a nice look, especially if you were Arnold Palmer, otherwise way too hard, I'm afraid. I'd go back to your squashed balls if I were you.
Chashas1, If you are talking about the new WT table, the Amadeus and it's new arm, I have only seen it in photos, so I will take your word for it. My friend's WTT Reference is more than 12 years old, so I do concede that later models may be easier to adjust. Firebaugh is a very clever, innovative man, obviously. He is certainly thinking "outside the box".