The Blue Angel Mantis cartridge

Hi All
I am considering purchasing a Blue Angel mantis cartridge and would like to hear from those that have heard or are using one.
I have used many great cartridges in the past from the likes of Allaerts,Dynavecter,Koetsu,Ortofon etc.
Has anybody compared the Mantis to other highly regarded carts?
seems nobody has tried one of these around here, but there are some tests, one by M. Fremmer no less. It's a South African hand-made cart it seems VERY well made, as such.

You my find your answer in the 'sound' you prefer. One look at the construction tells me an ALU-tube cantilever for that kind of money ~ 5k USD is not for very one. You normally get Boron or at least Ruby (Allaert) for this kind of money.

An ALU-cantilever IME is more forgiving, when the going gets rough, (tough?) i.e. it will be somewhat, and surely by intend, rolled-off in the treble. In other words a bit 'tubsy' sounding, and this can be a truely nice feature -if you like it.

The reviews out there (read between the lines) seem to support this assessment. It is a pretty sexy looking and well build item, in particular the ones that sport some exotic African hard woods like pink-ivory etc. --- one could lust for that alone :-)
Member 'mosin' is very experienced with these carts, and thinks highly of them. You might look him up in 'members' and shoot him an email. Friendly guy-plus you can talk about the *very* high end idler tt he manufactures.

Also, he posts on VA and Oswalds Mill, so you might do a search at those-I know he's discussed the Blue Angel at one or both.
On misconception I feel I must clear up here. I have recently ordered a Blue Angel with an aluminium cantilever. It is not even close to $US5k. I got the price from Blue Angel last year and he has stuck to it even though his costs have risen, but I am paying well less than $US2k, although, as I said, he has said costs have risen and they are going to be more expensive in the future. Can't see the aluminium cantilever, or the ruby cantilever, versions going anywhere near $US5k though.