Clearaudio Emotion lacks dynamics

I just received a used Clearaudio Emotion with Virtuoso cart. I've realigned the cartridge using the provided alignment card, and that appears to be normal (alignment and overhang). I've used a stylus pressure gauge to ensure that I'm tracking around 2 grams (the suggested tracking for the Virtuoso Wood). However, the seems to be lacking bass and dynamics. Everything sounds flat, dynamically. One thing I have noticed is that the back end of the tone arm (the end with the counterweight) seems to be LOWER than the end with the cartridge while playing albums. Could this be the source of my problem? This is the one thing I haven't tried to adjust so far, mainly because it seems like it's the most difficult to do.

Any advice would be appreciated.

Yes it could. Its called VTA vertical tracking angle and it can have significant impact on the sound.
Well my concern with adjusting this is that there is a screw on the tonearm base that lines up with a hole in the right side of the plinth. I'm not quite sure how to raise the back end of the tonearm without causing that screw to become misaligned with the hole in the plinth. Anyone out there with a Clearaudio Emotion/Satisfy Tonearm that can advise?

You can also call Musical Surroundings. They are the distributor for Clearaudio.