Clearaudio Emotion lacks dynamics

I just received a used Clearaudio Emotion with Virtuoso cart. I've realigned the cartridge using the provided alignment card, and that appears to be normal (alignment and overhang). I've used a stylus pressure gauge to ensure that I'm tracking around 2 grams (the suggested tracking for the Virtuoso Wood). However, the seems to be lacking bass and dynamics. Everything sounds flat, dynamically. One thing I have noticed is that the back end of the tone arm (the end with the counterweight) seems to be LOWER than the end with the cartridge while playing albums. Could this be the source of my problem? This is the one thing I haven't tried to adjust so far, mainly because it seems like it's the most difficult to do.

Any advice would be appreciated.

I have a satisfy arm and getting the VTA correct can make a very big difference. I set mine (arm/cart level to the LP) for heavier/thicker records and then use a thin felt mat with thinner records. I see now why having an easy way to recalibrate VTA would be a very nice feature. Also, the anti-skate adjustment seems to also make a difference and having it adjusted to about 1/2 of the bolt thread works best on my set-up.
Hope you'vesolved your problem already, but Iwas told by the guys at Elusivedisc - folks I bought my Emotion from, to use the the round level disc that comes with it to set the spacing and then screw the arm in via the platter
Ok my VTA adjustments were a success. The sound is much more locked in now. Bass response has improved greatly. I think my cart alignment is good, but the cantilever almost seems to be a bit bent in relation to the cartridge body. At first I did my alignment according to the cartridge body, but learned that that isn't a good idea. I realigned making sure the cantilever was in line with the grid, which yielded much better results. I still don't feel that I'm tuned in 100%, maybe more like 90% there. I still have to play around with tracking force and whatnot. Overall I now really enjoy the sound of this setup.

Oh one more question....if I'm hearing distortion on the highs on some albums (ones that I know are not damaged), does this indicate that the anti-skate needs adjusted?
Either anti-skate or tracking force needs to be adjusted. If its equally in both channels, you may need a bit more tracking force. Otherwise look to AS. Many here have found that manufacturers recommendations on AS are too high.
I think that you would be safe going as high as 2.2 grams tracking with that cart (I think the range is 2 to 2.5 grams).

You may already be doing this, but I found the Zerostat to be of great help when I started working with essentially the same TT setup as yours. I've also had good luck using the none-felt/speed mat.