Supex 900 question

I recently came into a Supex 900 Super. Compared to an AT150MLX I have, it sounds warm, smooth, full bodied. The AT is much more three dimensional, airy and transparent.

When I run them both on the Hi-Fi News Test Record, the AT tracks like a champ. No problem with tracks 6-8. The Supex on the other hand only tracks 6 and buzzes substantially on 7 and 8. Both were set up with a Mint LP protractor. The Supex though was much more difficult to align because the cantilever is more pushed back and shorter. I think I got it right, maybe not quite as exact, but certainly better than I could with a worse protractor.

Are these tracking problems symptoms that the Supex may have suspension issues and need to be rebuilt? Or are they traditionally poor trackers?

I would love to get that smooth sound with a little more of the transparency of the AT.

Stanwal, Boasis,
Thanks for the info. Pushing the VTF up to 2.25 helped. It tracks fine through the test record. It still sounds a bit muddy, but I will chalk that up to the sound of the cartridge.
Greg, perhaps the stylus is worn? Loading? From what I have, I would not describe the sound as muddy. A bit soft at the extremes compared to sota but a very mice midrange that is killer on the right material.
Have one that has not been in use for at least 20 years.
The stylus is not worn. Is it a given that the cantelever is not going to be good or the cartridge needs to be updated?
I'm pushing 2.25 grams and it tracks through 6 & 7 fine but not 8. The warmth and smoothness of this cartridge is very seductive, not muddy. Very balanced sounding. You have to load it @ 40ohms at least with 15 to 20ohms being best. SUT loading. Transparency is not it's thing but again oh so seductive. It pushed my Dyna DV20XL out the door.