How is it ? that a tuner smokes the table ???

"(cats out of the bag)"

my friends dynalab 109 tube tuner blows away his turntable front end that costs 4X as much!!!

Can any one explain how a cd or analog turntable at a radio station gets played and sent thru the air and gets
reconstructed at the tuner is the single highest quality
source in hiend two channel reproduction !

that blows me away and I can understand it ?

IMHO tuner highest source than turntable than CD in that order.

I wish somebody told me this before I spend so much money !

what sayest thou ?
Hi Jim-
I applaud your level of DIY, but I have to disagree about your generalization about the various ICE modules. Since the manufacturers of class-D amps readily admit that voicing is crucial, and that the class-D amps using ICE modules all sound different, it is far more than the manufacturers simply putting them in fancy boxes. It has been argued by the designers themselves that voicing the Class-D module based amps is at least as important, if not more important, than voicing A or AB amplifiers. The choices of connectors, wire, chassis damping, power supply components, binding posts, even boards make even greater differences than with linear supply A and AB amps.

I have no doubt that your amplifiers sound fine, and applaud your thrift in making equipment. Money spent is hardly the point in audio- good sound is everyone's goal. However, make no mistake, the upper echelon ICE module amps have more design and thought into them than simply putting them in fancy boxes.

BTW, congratulations on not letting this thread get to you, and maintaining civility. Kudos!
Hi Jimpcn,
The Dynavector XV-1s does not sound like a laid-back cartridge, based on the reviews. The reviews portray it as dynamic and incredible in its imaging capabilities.

I recall the Dynalabs as great tuners when I worked in audio. I never took radio as such a serious source. I will reconsider and do some serious listening after reading this thread.

Thank you for your efforts about the pre-amp information. I am very curious about using a 6080 in a pre-amp! Have you ever checked out this guy's page: ? I think what he does to a Pas3 pre-amp is interesting. I also think his amp is interesting. Heavy projects, but I am considering them.

Best regards.
I did not use ice-moduels if you read carefully.
Just mentioned them because more people has heard of them.
I used Hypex modules that are similiar but way better !!!

Bycle_man I just took a look at that Pas3 and although
it looks like a good up grade, would not do it unless you already have the pas3 and are on a small budget.

Here is the article I promised you, its from Audio Express Oct 2005; "Design a high performance Valve-Based line amp."
If you can get a hold of that article, after reading it you will know this designer knows his Stuff!
The only caution I have is that this circuit is very highly
microphonic so the main board must, Must be floating or else
the noise will be excessive.
It is not a beginners project, but the sonic rewards are great if you can handle it!

That said and if I had to do it all again, I really like the K & K stuff ! see
And would recommend there preamp kits especially phono stages !!!

good luck.