Rebuilding LP12; which tone arm

I am in the process of rebuilding a Linn LP12.I have replaced the sub chassis suspension springs, refinished the chassis and built a DC motor controller using a Maxon motor. It is all coming together really nicely and i am at a junction on where to go on tonearms.
Originally i had planned to built an air tangent tonearm. i have several of the pieces but somehow lack the motivation to follow through. I also have a Rega RB300 that i rewired and added VTA adjustment that i can install. I plan on using a Denon 103 cartridge (Zu rebuild). Should i install the RB300 or sell it and use the funds towards purchasing an Ittok.
I have become more seriously aware of the 80/20 principal where i believe one can achieve 80% of the desired end result with 20% of effort / funds. It is the last 20% of result that can cause one to spend the remaining 80% of funds.
In light of all of this what tonearm would you install?
Vote for RB-300 -only drawback to this arm is having to fool around with arm pillar washers to adjust VTA - if you've beaten that problem -I'd go for it.For me - the two best cartridges I used in it were a Linn Asaka and several different replaceable stylus Grado's.
I have had an RB300 on my LP12 for years and I love it.

Yes, the ARO would be better, but it is a lot of money. For the price the Rega has no real peers. I have reconciled myself to keep it simply because I enjoy it immensely. The fact that I am happy to live with it is a great testament.
I'll be fitting a Tecnoarm to my LP-12 this week.....very similar to your RB300 arm.

Is the Zu/Denon a good match with the Rega arm in terms of compliance, etc...?