Possible to Compare the DV XV-1 & Grado Statement?

Been using the DV 20XL for several years and and am getting the itch to move on... I have a Hovland HP-100 preamp with phono. The Hovland folks seem to like the Grado Statement quite a bit. Local advice leans very heavily towards the Dynavector XV-1. How can I possibly compare these two? The Statement is way less money... Anyone have experience with these two cartridges? Thoughts on this compare? Using a VPI Aries 3 TT with a DV507-MKII arm.
Thanks for the offer Victor but I have 14 cartridges in house and 3 more enroute; 2 Lyras and a My Sonics Lab.

I defer to one of the other members.
Audiofeil - you have a sickness (17 cartridges???). I think with some counselling you might be able to pare that down to 2-3 :-)

I wish I did buy that extra arm tube for my Phantom,for sure I would taken you up on your offer.

My currant set up with a Mint arc protractor is I believe my best attempt yet.
Too much efford, for me anyway, went into it, to undo it.

Thank you for your generous offer.
Too bad, because I have always wondered how The Statement stacks up against other carts in it's price range.

Like you, Stiltskin, I'm not that experienced at setup and "dialing in" a cart takes a lot of effort and time. That's why i was hoping for one of the "vinyl veterans" would do the comparison