Possible to Compare the DV XV-1 & Grado Statement?

Been using the DV 20XL for several years and and am getting the itch to move on... I have a Hovland HP-100 preamp with phono. The Hovland folks seem to like the Grado Statement quite a bit. Local advice leans very heavily towards the Dynavector XV-1. How can I possibly compare these two? The Statement is way less money... Anyone have experience with these two cartridges? Thoughts on this compare? Using a VPI Aries 3 TT with a DV507-MKII arm.
Ahhh but that's the beauty of the Phantom arm and Mint protractor, you can dial it in to the nth degree.
With each time I worked with it, I just got better at it.

All you need is patience, a well lit area to work in, mag light and a "good optical aid".....
Dear Stickman451: Other alternative that IMHO can help you is the Nagaoka MP-50, very good performer.

Regards and enjoy the music.
I have a Nagaoka MP-50 set up with a VPI Aries 3. I really enjoy this cartridge. I went from a Grado Sonata. I really liked the Sonata and will receive my Statement 1 this coming week.
I just bought Grado's The Statement. It is mounted on a Linn table. I really like the sound on Magnepan 3.6s and on B&W 801s(older ones). I have not tried the other cartridge and I am going to spend more on one.
Hi Darkmoebius,

I have the Phantom II with the DV1s already loaded and a spare titanium arm wand if you'd like me to do the comparison?

Are you in Australia like I am as I don't want to pay for shipping abroard?
