Has anyone heard the VPI Classic yet

They were supposed to be shipping soon. Has anyone purchased this table yet?

I find this quote extremely funny: "I would say that the HR-X was on the cool side of neutral whereas the "classic" was on the neutral side of neutral but incredibly musical."

I guess after decades of dissemination of audiophile lexicon by The Absolute Sound, it is mission accomplished.

I wonder if one day we ban the use of the word "neutral", will we be able to describe sound at all?

I really miss those Sound Practices days. It was fun to be an atheist.

Anyway, glad you enjoy your new toy.

Similar to an old Chevy Chase movie, in which the family goes out to dinner at the Casa de la Maison House.
OK, some very funny posts on this sting, which is so important in this ridiculous hobby, but I wanted to add some more commentary:

I love this turntable. It is the best I have owned. It's not the last word in anything, but it does everything, and I mean EVERYTHING well. Tons of range, pace, bass, everything. I was just at someone's house who has an absolutely steller (i.e. expensive) system, and I was shocked at how hollow and lifeless his analog system sounded compared to mine. Especially with the difference in price. I am thinking that VPI has hit a home run with this thing. By going retro-new tech they seem to have incorperated the best of the old without forsaking newer technology. After 6 tables in the last 12 months, I am done. Just buying more vinyl now.
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"i also have the arm fluid damped, and it was a noticeable improvement over no fluid at all. how about you?"

Eric, nice comments! how does one do the arm fluid damped ? is this something that vpi does at the factory ?