Has anyone heard the VPI Classic yet

They were supposed to be shipping soon. Has anyone purchased this table yet?
Any comparison against a Raven or even a Linn Sondek would be great. Please..
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Music Direct is mounting a Dynavector 17D3 on the tonearm for me. I'm taking something of a risk buying this cartridge (again), because the suspension on my last one quit after only 1 year! However, it is a great sounding cartridge.
You know when I ordered mine I asked VPI about getting the SS tube and they told me that was only for heavier cartridges and they did not suggest it for any but the heaviest cartridges.

Now I'm a bit perterbed.
VPI also informed me that the s/s tube is only for cart like the Denon DL-103. Other than that, most carts will just do fine with the regular alum tubing.