the most underrated 33 1/3 in history?

my vote is for all "Klaayu"! even the plug in the recent tas is way understated. it was the fact that they were thought to be the Beatles that did them in not what made them great. the world lost interest because they were not and wrote them off as copies, when infact the album rivaled the beatles best. i am a true Bealtes fan, they were/are the best most consistant group there ever was or probably ever will be. but, this does not mean no other band can be at any given time as good. here is where klaatu's defeat ocurred, because they were so great they had to be a beatles copy but when infact they were fantastic originals. while their following albums were not as great as their original self titled "Klaatu" their following albums "hope", "endaangered species", "sir army suit" and "raarities" are well worth the spin. do your self a great favor pick one up their albums and give them a spin and then wonder what may have been had they not been compared to/or mistaken for the Beatles? the art work alone is woth a look. long live KLAATU!
I didn't realize this was about one album, so I'm going to nominate Led Zepplin III(maybe because it was so different from their earlier two albums).
Ok....I'll play. Paul Simon One Trick Pony. Great music....excellent recording. The live cuts are some of the best live recorded rock I've heard.

I bet you have never heard anyone talk about this album. It is one of his best but has been long forgotten.