Clueless Analog Newbie, Looking to Buy

As stated in the subject, I'm new to turntables, and would like to buy my first turntable. I've got an old NAD integrated AMP and Triangle Titus speakers.

To be perfectly honest, I know absolutely nothing about turntables. Cartridges, weighing etc etc....

I guess I'm looking to buy something used or a cheap new turntable. Thinking of the pro-ject debut 3, or maybe the rega p1. Though I'm slightly hesitant to spend $3-400 on a table I know nothing about. Will the Pro-Ject need some sort of adapter to play 45s?

Any suggestions? Or should I just stick with CDs?
Either of those TT's would be ideal to start with. I started with a music hall 2.1 and really saw (heard!) how enjoyable vinyl is! It's now my favorite source.
Srwooten-- I have yet to look into that table, though I've seen it listed on a few sites. Appreciate the recommendation, I'll plan on checking it out.

Riley-- Yes, and that was two years ago; things do change over time. Thanks for the constructive comment though, appreciate it.