Clueless Analog Newbie, Looking to Buy

As stated in the subject, I'm new to turntables, and would like to buy my first turntable. I've got an old NAD integrated AMP and Triangle Titus speakers.

To be perfectly honest, I know absolutely nothing about turntables. Cartridges, weighing etc etc....

I guess I'm looking to buy something used or a cheap new turntable. Thinking of the pro-ject debut 3, or maybe the rega p1. Though I'm slightly hesitant to spend $3-400 on a table I know nothing about. Will the Pro-Ject need some sort of adapter to play 45s?

Any suggestions? Or should I just stick with CDs?
While Srwooten's comments about the tone of the responses is warranted, the
OP's failure to take action in 18 months since asking the same question in
November of 2007 is deserving of skepticism that any well intended, helpful
responses are worthwhile.
Some folks missed that incredibly important day of kindergarten where the teacher presented the idea that “if you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything at all.” Johnbrown is so high up on his pedestal that this sort of rationality does not compute. My over exaggeration of “knowing nothing” has lead to his dictating of what I’m “ready for.” I hadn’t realized that I needed Johnbrown’s permission... Next time I’ll be sure to double check. After all, I’m sure he knows what I’ve been doing for the past 18 months, and thus— only he may decide what sort of responses are necessary.

Anyway, thanks again to the kind folks who have helped. To the others-- how about not opening the thread or not responding? I know internet-quarreling is tempting, but let’s try and refrain. All the best--
Any suggestions? Or should I just stick with CDs?
Knotgreen (Threads)

With all candor, based on your budget of $300, I'd suggest sticking with CDs.
If you have a built in phonostage already, you're definitely on your way.

Slap a MM or HOMC cartridge on whatever table... just get something off of Craigslist and you're good to go.

I started listening to music with LPs and didn't know the first thing about gear. The collecting, finding 50 cent/dollar records is half the fun.

Like others have said, just go for it.

Look into the Denon DL 160 as well... $150 cartridge new.

And it's fun to be trendy.
Some folks missed that incredibly important day of kindergarten where the teacher presented the idea that “if you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything at all.”

There's the problem. Many of us are so old there was no Kindergarten when we began our formal education. Now I understand why we are so cranky.