
Can some please explain speaker ohms to me? As I understand it a speaker come rated at a particular ohm-lets say 8. I understand the lower the number the more efficent is??? What I am having trouble with is the minimum rating. Does the ohm rating change on a speaker? Help!!!
Great thread and great explanations. However, ohm's are important even with modern solid state equipment and it's not so much to do with exotic tube equipment. Not nominal imedance, but IMEDANCE CURVES. In the real world, this is what drives amps (yes, solid state amps) nuts. I've been on the planar/ribbon/electrostatic road for quite a few years and what makes amp matching so critical for these puppies is the impedance swing (impedance minima at high frequencies combined with higher impedance in low frequecies). Lots of people fret impedance dips but this isn't such a big deal since these occur at high frequencies and there isn't a lot of energy going on there. It's how an amp responds to the dips combined with what goes on in the lower mids that really counts. The Newforms have a curve of 2ohms to 100ohms, I think. If you were an amp tring to play dynamic music with lots of fast changes in impendance you would be working your proverbial ass off to keep up with a curve like this. My speakers (CLS's) are tame by comparison... 1.5 ohms to 35 ohms in the mids. (One version of my speakers dropped down to .6 ohms!) Most speakers rated at a nominal 8ohms have far less swing -- usually less than 6ohms in either direction -- making the amp's job easier. The type of music (degree of dynamics and low frequency extension) also makes a big difference in an amp's ability to keep up with the swing. Again, great explanations of terminology that's thrown around and not fully understood in real world applications. Thanks for bringing it up.
Jim, I agree with your overall explaination...but....Many entry level audiophiles want to understand what are the pertinent specifications, of each component that they are considering for purchace. For an entry level audiophile to compare the "ohm" specifications of different speakers, and make a determination to which might be best for their modern amp, is darn near rediculous. Your explaination of the impedance curve of a speaker, and its potential implication on the amplifier chioce will intimidate the hell out of any newcomer to audio. Again, for those of you out there that are studying all of these "important" specifications, you don't have to become an undergrad in the understanding of electrical resistance (read: "ohms"), in order to choose good sounding electronics for your speakers. Don't let all of the above aforementioned explaninations intimidate you. They are just part of the "hobby". We seasoned audiophiles like to dig down deep into the electrical theories, even if they are not really needed in our purchace decisions.
I agree with you in general. But when I was an audio pup, I decided that I really liked those flat speakers with the ribbons on them. I'm not a technical person and picked up what was relevant along the way out of necessity. (Boy, did I make some mistakes.) Whe you get down to it, impedance curves (simply minimun and maximum) are not too complicated and might help in choosing an amp for speakers that don't have coventional loads. And today this doesn't seem to be limited to ribbons and electrostatics. But I agree that most people will go with speakers for which impedance swing is not an issue. No harm, no foul. Have a good one.
Thanks to all I had every thing backwards which was leading to much confusion! For me as a beginer the more info the better-I figure if I don't understand I just have more reading to do!!! Thanks Again Thanks to every one!!
What is the old analogy? Please correct me if I am wrong. Electricity is like a water faucet. Volts is the resevoir, amps are the amount of water coming out of the faucet, watts is the pressure and ohms is the lever that turns it on to full blast or off and everything inbetween. Is that right? Its been a while.