Has anyoe had problems using the mint LP tractor

I have just spent about 2 or 3 hours trying to reset my cartridge using my newly acquired Mint LP Tractor and quite frankly I have found the whole experience very frustrating. I have put it down to inexperience on my part and aging eyesight........... surely I can't be the only person who has experienced difficulties, although reading the various threads here on the tractor it's beginning to look like I am!!! I intend having another attempt in a day or so, in the meantime any advice from the 'professionals' would be welcome.
I just rec'd my Tractor for the VPI 10.5i arm. I'll have to find some quality time this weekend to get into it.

With the proper lights and the magnifiers, I hope to get it going without too much hair loss. I can see right away that the VPI jig is very different alignment wise from the Mint.

I'll post with results soon.
I've recently got a MintLP Tractor after having used the Graham alignment jig for about 18yrs. I've read lots of posts of how time consuming and frustrating the MintLP tractor could be, and I wasn't exactly looking forward to using it.

In actual fact I found it a breeze. It probably helped that I have a large window directly behind the turntable to flood with natural light - but I had no trouble getting exacting alignment in less than half an hour.....including lots of rechecking. I didn't use the optional 10x loupe I got from Yip. The standard (lighted) 3x magnifier worked much better and provided plenty of magnification for my eyes to see exactly what was going on.

I'm truly impressed with the absolute precision possible with the Mint. My (early) Graham jig has marking lines far to thick too get anything like the same accuracy - and the there are no lines present to exactly position the stylus on. Not to mention the inaccuracy of the tilt on the flip over plate, not using true playing VTF, no parallax error correction and freeplay in the actual jig itself.

Given the above, it was hardly surprising that the Mint was more accurate - but I still couldn't believe the major improvement in sound quality.
Much better consistency of sound from beginning to end of the record. Improved focus, lower colouration, better soundstaging and, most importantly, greater sense of naturalness/ease and musical flow. The previous observations were true for both my Uwe bodied 103R and Ortofon Jubilee - taking both cartridges to new heights in my system.
The best $100 I've spent on my analogue setup!

FWIW, I still love the brilliant concept and ease of use of the Graham tool (and maybe later jigs are improved?). I'm a long-term Graham user and remain a huge fan of Bob Graham's designs. However it is hard to argue with the results provided by the MintLP tractor.
I had my second attempt a few days ago, took on board most of the comments and tips and had a better result. The greatest help was doing the whole thing in my brightly lit Kitchen and with the turntable on one of the kitchen units, which sits at 900mmm high (approx. 35 1/2")more at eyelevel when I sat in a chair. A great improvement over my first attempt. Practice does make perfect and I will go through the process again in a week or so.............oh and buy the way If you leave the wine until after your finished it also helps!!
I got to it today. Took about 1 hour. The overhang and effective length was perfect on the Mint so the VPI jig is fine. I inspected with the 10x loupe and it was dead on.

The zenith was just so slightly off. You need super light touch. The overhang went off a hair after my attempt to correct the zenith. After several times of back and forth, I finally got it perfect.

The 10x loupe is necessary. I made a stand for it so I can look at the stylus from the front.

I think the VPI jig is correct. It is just that with Mint, you can actually get it perfect because you can see that you are looking at the lines dead on with the mirror surface. The VPI jig doesn't have anyway to really make sure you are looking exactly from the front.

The first thing I noticed in sound was records had a lot of less surface noise! And the tad of harshness on trumpets went away. There is more clearness in the upper mids and highs but not at the cost of less low end.

A great upgrade in sound in my opinion!
Given the availability and success of the Mint LP tractor, I wonder if that will put the kybosh on attempts to obtain the similar device from Wally, given the history of that notorious difficulty.