Cracked record cleaning pick up tube

I have owned a VPI 16.5 recording cleaning machine for about 1 year. It has generally worked quite well, except for on two occasions, the pickup tube has cracked in the compression fit slot area.

My early speculation is that the issue may relate to the use of steam cleaning with simultaneous vacuum pickup. The pickup tube may thermally expand and subsequently crack within the compression fitting. I usually steam as one step in the cleaning process and I have been careful to minimize localized heating for fear of record warping. Thus, I am surprised if the tube would warm enough to crack.

Has anyone else had this mishap? Any alternative thoughts on the cause for the cracked pickup tube - they are not cheap!
Yes, I have cracked three. Then I started removing the suction tube apparatus when I close the lid and store it away, and have not had another one crack.
Davt +1....

It's a design flaw with the 16.5. If they'd mounted the lid 1/2" higher (or just mounted the lid on top of the case instead of inside it) this wouldn't happen.
I agree with what the others have said, and perhaps another issue, is when you install a new Tube, just install snugly, with moderate force, no need to install with high force, or a hammer! :-)

It is possible heat may be effecting the material?

I wonder too, would the slight softening of the Spring in any way possibly effect the hardness in which the Vacuum Wand comes down upon the record? Mark