Requesting Cartridge Advice

Hello fellow Audiogoners, I'd like some opinions from some of you regarding cartridge choices. First, my system details:

* Denon DRA-35V 40 wpc receiver (over 21 years old now; hoping to upgrade to an integrated amp before year's end; thinking of the Creek Evo but I am far from a final decision on that);

* Vandersteen 1C speakers (~ 55 hrs of playing time since purchasing);

* Pro-ject Xpression MkII turntable with a Benz Micro BE20E (??) cartridge; also have the Pro-ject Phonobox USB, but I only use it to digitize LPs to my Mac;

* Marantz DR700 CD recorder (which only works as a player now for some reason);

and the

* Nakamichi CR-2A cassette deck (for playback only at this point; used primarily to digitize analog cassettes).

Now a number of cartridge candidates have been recommended. These include

* the Statement Grado Platinum

* Benz mc20el

* Audiotechnica oc9

* Shelter 201

* Ortofon 2m Bronze

* Dynavector 10x5

and the

* Audio Technica 150mlx

My Vandersteens, tho beautifully open and detailed, are a little shy in the upper frequencies. So a cartridge with some brightness may not be a bad thing (altho my int-amp choice will have to take that into consideration). I just don't want it to be overdone. (My current Benz appears to be the cause of some annoying and disappointing playback problems, incl an overdone treble region and some spitty S's, never mind some of the inner tracks my cartridge doesn't seem to like very much. Bear in mind I had a pro install this thing.) The kind of sound I'm looking for may be described as follows:

Very balanced across the audible spectrum; transparent and accurate; solid, deep bass; sweet but sharply focused highs; great stereo separation and soundstage; And I want all this for no more than, say, $US450, while $US300 is preferable. Okay, you can stop laughing.

What do y'all think of the cartridge choices listed? Would you recommend something else instead? Why? Please be detailed if your time permits.

Thanks so much.
Hello Kethoticus,

Do consider getting an Audio Technica AT440MLa (the purple cartridge). I've used it for years. It's a great overall cartridge. It tracks light (1.5 grams) and it's capable of shimmering highs, so much so in fact that some complain that it sounds too CD like. However, some LPs/systems could use some brightening up in my opinion, and it sounds like your speakers may need some.

It won't break the bank either. I've seen them for sale at anywhere from $119 to $173, so do shop around.