Experience w/ Trans-Fi Auio Terminator Tone Arm?

How many of you have the Trans-Fi Auio Terminator Air Bearing linear Tone Arm? Or the older Trans-Fi Evolution Tonearm. What is your experience with this arm, how satisfied are you with this arm, and how does it compare with other tonearms you have tried?

I am seriously thinking of getting the Terminator for my VPI Super Scoutmaster with Rim Drive, but have no experience with linear tone arms. I have found just one person on Audiogon who has this arm and loves it. This fact is somewhat confusing to me, since if the arm is so great, as some people say it is, you would think more people on Audiogon would have it or at least tried it out.
What you say is true. If one person loves an item, and no-one else ever heard of it. It is hard to accept the verdict of the one.
First off, linear tonearms ar really a blind alley, A momentary turn into a dead end. They have a few strong points, but the flaws have never been overcome.
If you want to experiment, and can blow a wad of cash on one person's hyperbole, then go ahead. If you want a sound judgement, skip the praise by one crazy, and go with what the crowd praises.. (and it is NOT a linear arm no-one ever heard of.. except one guy.. who loves it.. and would not use any other..)
Elizabeth, once again....

"...no-one else ever heard of it..."

"...no-one ever heard of.. except one guy.."

Contrary to your statements, this is a well-known arm. Poul Ladegaard, the builder, is very well known for his arm design, and his willingness to help diy-ers build copies. Reviews of the arm are available on the web. http://www.enjoythemusic.com/magazine/equipment/0408/trans_fi_terminator_tonearm.htm You apparently own a computer-I'd advise using the Google before you post.

As for "...linear tonearms ar really a blind alley, A momentary turn into a dead end. They have a few strong points, but the flaws have never been overcome." That's just wacky.

JBcello, lots of these arms have been sold, you just need to expand your search. Try Vinyl Asylum-just a week or so ago, someone posted that they had one on the way. Also check other known audio sites, and look at the thread at DIYAudio. Granted, these aren't as common as Regas, but they are definitely out there.

Good luck, have fun.
Well, the Elizabeth person has no clue what he/she is talking about as is obvious from the message, based only, as it is, on personal inferences and ignorance of the product in question. And an apparent irrational hatred of linear trackers. E.g., most regular car guys don't have a clue what a Pagani Zonda is; those who go outside regular channels for information certainly do. So it is with all things in life worth knowing and sensing. Otherwise, I'd constantly eat fastfood, love Robert Kincaid's awful art, read Harry Potter, watch Oprah, and drive American cars--all extremely popular, and all awful.

Linear trackers are heavily represented among the very elite tonearms in the world. Period. Kuzma, Clearaudio, Walker, Yorke--each of their top arms are without doubt among the elite.

For lots of feedback with photos from actual customers, go to www.trans-fi.com to the client corner; and for their latest arm, see pics in the Terminator 3 pics thread at the Vinyl Asylum.