Micro SX-8000 II or SZ-1

Does anybody know if there is a mayor difference between the Micro-Seiki SX-8000 II and the "flagship" SZ-1?
A friend told me I should look for a SZ-1 because it offers a better motor. Having a SX-8000 II I am not shure whether it is worth looking for a SZ-1 or only for another motor-unit?

T Bone

The equivalent mass given by OMA is calculated according to the method I used.

It's not the mass of a platter equivalent to the total inertia of the system, this would be even higher (around 400 lbs). IIRC Win decided to use the more conservative figure - he's a big believer in understating and over-achieving.

Mark Kelly
Mark, I understand the calculation but do not understand (from reading the webpage) where the 'gearing coefficient' comes from - higher speed flywheel providing gearing vs 33.3? rim-weighted platter increasing effective rotational inertia when compared to solid mass?
Let's not turn this into a discussion of Saskia, it's meant to be about the Micro Seikis. I used it as an example only.
Thuchan, there is a standalone Micro Seiki product called the HS-80, which was a high-speed inertia unit (made to be added to the 1500/5000/8000 series models). It would probably give much the same effect to the SX-8000 as the motor on the SZ-1 accomplishes. When they come up in the market, they are seriously expensive, but they are probably easier to find than an SZ-1.

You can see a picture here (about halfway down the page).
t bone,thanks a lot for your good advise. I put all my Katagana and Hirgana together (the Kanjis are all gone...), very interesting and I will definitely go for it.
thanks a lot