Micro SX-8000 II or SZ-1

Does anybody know if there is a mayor difference between the Micro-Seiki SX-8000 II and the "flagship" SZ-1?
A friend told me I should look for a SZ-1 because it offers a better motor. Having a SX-8000 II I am not shure whether it is worth looking for a SZ-1 or only for another motor-unit?
Here are two Pics from this HS-80 (from Kipdent System)
in Action
HS-80 MS
it is passive
or that way
RX-5000 special

those Micro Seiki are rare now, the 5000 model is more common and sought after, because it is very reliable and easy to go. The 8000 series was always rare, sometimes you can find them in Japan.
The later ones were made in a time when Analog Business was reaching the End, not many around.
I have read that many consider the RX-5000 superior to the SX-5000. One would think the reverse to be true but I have not the pleasure of hearing either turntable. Bob
T_bone, Are those Goto transducers in the photos? I heard a complete Goto system locally in northern Virginia, driven by Kegon plus two other amplifiers and using Goto preamp and electronic crossover. And I was underwhelmed. Good but no goose pimples. Sorry for the OT comment.
I have always been intrigued by the HS-80. I believe the recommended way to set it up is so that it is directly opposite the motor. In this way the forces on the platter due the belt should cancel each other out and there should be minimum force, and thus noise, on the platter bearing.

The disadvantage, as I see it, is that you have greatly reduced the contact area of the belt with the platter. With a thread the contact area with the platter is already very small and with the HS-80 it is further reduced.

The "HS-80 MS" illustration avoids this but does not minimize the forces on the platter bearing.

It is an interesting choice of trade-offs. Set up would be critical. There are variety of formulas for pulleys, belts, contact area, wrap angle, coefficients of friction, and so forth but they were a bit overwhelming to me.
Syntax, thanks for pointing out the 'local' photos. Should have remembered that system.

Lewm, the photos appear to be the reviews of items which different people have brought into the system. The top photo is a set of Ale Acoustic compression supertweeters. About a quarter of the way down there are some Goto supertweeters. I didn't see any other Goto stuff (the super big horns near the bottom are DIY efforts, as are a bunch of the brass supertweeters).