Micro SX-8000 II or SZ-1

Does anybody know if there is a mayor difference between the Micro-Seiki SX-8000 II and the "flagship" SZ-1?
A friend told me I should look for a SZ-1 because it offers a better motor. Having a SX-8000 II I am not shure whether it is worth looking for a SZ-1 or only for another motor-unit?
Radicalsteve--thanks for the acrylic mat link. Since none on their website seem specifically made for Micro Seiki platters, which model did you choose?

this the right one for the Micro: Plattentellerauflage aus PLEXIGLAS® 5mm stark D=293mm

Ho, crash, clang, this no funny non-morphemic sound pepa-tt on top of ah TV, and caan listen to ocean...

It is an interesting point you make, and a Mr. Steen Duelund (bless his souls) had noted the different Asian physic --- shoulders closer to the ears and that as far as he found, attributed to a different sound appreciation.

If you once had the opportunity to listen to Chinese Opera (and in deed survived the occasion) you will absolutely appreciate that there must be a difference here. Head splitting crash cymbals and lots of nasal ha's and ho's is mostly outside of the western ears' idea of 'music' in deed :-)
I am not sure I understand the "non-morphemic tone of Asian language" bit, and I am certainly unaware of how such might relate to "Japanese sound". Japanese language is structurally morphemic, and is not tonal in the way that Asian languages are generally labelled tonal. If "tone" refers to intonation, Japanese is not structurally dissimilar from American English - the intonation is different but the structure of intonation patterns is not.

I think talking about the shape of physique is cute but almost meaningless; in terms of physique the more important aspect might be seating height, as affected by ratio of upper body height vs lower body height combined with average height - the average ear-tuchus span as I think it is technically called :^)...

As for what the Japanese sound is.... some of the favorite tables out there are Linns. For those who play with heavy platter Micros, the most popular arm/cart combos seem to be SME long arms with SPU carts attached. And usually all this is played through a class A amp, in many cases SET.... is that "Japanese sound?"

MUCH more important would be average difference of listening room environment.
This is a funny understanding of the Japanese audiophiles you have. Having lived in Japan I have seen listening environments which do match your description (TT on TV etc.). But I have also seen very sophisticated environments, carefully planned and executed - also in big rooms, believe it or not.
And to be honest how many of the listening rooms in the western world are carefully planned and executed?
Maybe it is always the same with our preconceptions we carry around with us. Maybe you think of me as a German going every weekend to a Volksfest in Bavaria, returning home and playing Marschmusik all the time...