Micro SX-8000 II or SZ-1

Does anybody know if there is a mayor difference between the Micro-Seiki SX-8000 II and the "flagship" SZ-1?
A friend told me I should look for a SZ-1 because it offers a better motor. Having a SX-8000 II I am not shure whether it is worth looking for a SZ-1 or only for another motor-unit?
Hiho, thanks for your suggestion.I am pretty fine with my VPI drives in addition to the MS drive. If you look at the VPI SDS you see that this is a masterpiece of Harry Weissfield. Most people underrate the SDS, a very cleverly combined steering wheel from many different excellent parts.

I know from audiophiles who build a TT around two SDS flying wheels. I now can imagine what kind of quality in motor precision they get.
I found a friend who has both machines. I will visit him in the next year. do report on my findings. promise!
have a good new year!
hi Thuchan, sorry to revive an old thread. was wondering if I could get your thoughts/opinions on various flywheel configurations with Micro SX tables.

I have a Micro HS-80 flywheel & agree this helps "stabilize the sound picture". my platter speed has always been consistent (& without noticeable fluctuation) when used with Micro RY5500 motor & Micro Kevlar or silk thread.

do you think the benefits of replacing the Micro RY5500 motor with VPI SDS/dual-motor flywheel is primarily due to its built-in flywheel? (just as Micro SZ-1M flywheel-motor used for Micro SZ-1T)

do you think VPI SDS/dual-motor flywheel results in HS-80 flywheel becoming redundant, or do you find there's even more stability when both flywheels are employed?

have you experimented with different belts, threads, etc. between your VPI flywheel & Micro platter?

also interested to hear your comparisons of SX-8000 II vs. SZ-1T.
Hi 11flat6,
no problem with reviving. I am convinced that you can improve and stabilize a good turntable by the following measurements:

1) ensure you have separate isolation platforms for motor, table and flywheel

2) use a motor and pully which are in good condition and work absolutely stable (in case of older Micro designs maybe check, lubricate, exchange the transformer and/or capacitors)

3) better go for belts than threads. ensure the belts have the same distance and measure the belt tension. should be the same value for both belts

4) the VPI double motor driven by the SDS is one of the most precise and stable motor/steering combinations on the market today