Establishing a common analog listening bias

Maybe it is possible to establish a widely accepted common ground in terms of listening bias by choosing and agreeing on 10-30 LPs all readily available new to all audiophiles for decent price.
If all listening tests and personal comments regarding the sound of components and systems in the various threads and posts would refer to any of these LPs mainly, everyones comments and experiences would much easier be understood by their fellow Audiogoners.

How about an "Audiogon baker's double-dozen"?

This would create a solid ground for all of us.

How do you think about this ?
Dear Raul, you are so right - thats why you hardly ever write a full sentence about any of my remarks .......
What a p(i)e(a)ce of mind.....
Regarding your "Ferrari" - you should consider having a driver training soon.
Dear all, sorry for the side-kick with Raul again.
I apologize.
It was off-topic.
I will supply my suggestions ragrding some of the records I can recommend serving for this project on tuesday.
A sunny sunday to all,
OK, what about some POP 'side-kick(s)'

Peter Gabriel "SO" (detailed but may be a bit hot mastered?)
Paul Simon "Graceland" (explosive percussions, voices, the lot)
Dear Axel, I love "Graceland"!!
Haven't listened to "So" for more than 15 years.
Graceland does indeed have an excellent wide range of very different tracks and Ladysmith Black Mazambo's two pieces do add extra spice and most impressive a capella.
A landmark record.
Daniel:It does not sense to drive a Ferrari in a " road "/record where you have to stop every 30-60 seconds because the " road " have tiny imperfections where the " Ferrari can't go on ", it seems to me that is better ( for the day by day music enjoyement. ) to drive an all purpose VW that can go on and on and left the Ferrari only for especial " times/ocasions ".

A Ferrari demands not only a skill driver but an almost and especial " road/track ", well in audio world and especially on the quality of the records everything is almost a " disaster ": no perfect world here.

I always look for " perfection " where I know for sure that I can reach it or where I have the control but in a " road/record track " where you can't be sure in which right conditions was made ( cut. ) and where the " things " change almost every track , why to use a Ferrari that can't " move on "?

Anyway if " drive " ( because you almost can't advance. ) a day by day Ferrari makes you happy go a head, I already pass for that step in my audio learning curve and now I'm learning and enjoying new experiences: the world has to move on!!!!

Regards and enjoy the music,