Dynavector XV-1S and equal stereo output?

I apologise for the clumsy title but noticed that when I play mono recordings through the Dynavector, the image is slightly to the right side. I then comfirmed this by recording the output , noting that the recording level was 0.5 to 0.75 db less on the left channel. My question is whether this variation is within normal limits or is this something that sorts itself out when the cartridge is "burnt in" ( it is only about 25 hours old).
Is there a better way of checking this disparity?

Thanking you
No cartridge is perfectly balanced, Dynavector specs are: Channel balance 1.0 dB (at 1KHz). Seems to me like you are within their tolerance.

It's telling you to get the mono equivalent.....do you play many monos? I've only a few, but when I heard them on the mono version, look out, it was great! but, there is that expense of another cartridge...
when in doubt call your dealer....
Thank you for the responses. I was not aware of the Dynavector channel balance spec ( much appreciated Todd).
Time for more enjoyment and less analysis.
Thanks for correcting my post with the manufacturer's info, Todd. What is especially interesting is that the spec is taken at 1K, when channel imbalances tend to be greater in the high freqencies. So acceptable response may be several db at other frequencies.