Esoteric K01: What are the best settings for CD?

The Esoteric K01 has several up-conversion and filter options for CD play-back. Unfortunately, each up-conversion option and each filter option requires approximately 500 hours of 'break-in' to sound it's best. I have owned the Esoteric K01 since it's release. It is a superb SACD and CD player. I have 'broken in' some but not all filter and up-conversion settings. I am still unable to decide which combination I like best. I am currently using S_DLY1 (for digital filter) and 2Fs (for up conversion). I would like to know what settings other Esoteric K01 owners like best. It would be helpful if If you can explain why those settings sound better to you than other combinations. I wonder which settings the experts at Esoteric/Teac would recommend?
Hi Matjet, assuming all filters and upsampling levels have been broken in with at least 500 hours on each, my observations and preferences are as follows:

* No filters and no upsampling -- impressive result per se... In the sense that in spite of the reduced treble ceiling, relatively flat stage, and a bit of "overbite" artifact, the sound is moderately pleasing.... By the way, this is aledgedly the setting "recommended" by TEAC Japan engineers.
* 2X and 4X upsampling each add progressively more top and bottom end information without adding any artifacts that I can detect. My prefered upsampling rate is 4X.... And so is the opinion of Tim Crable at TEAC America.
* FIR filters were my first try at filtering.... I found both to be limited in dynamics and staging/imaging. They also seem to have some slight problems in delivering a realistic harmonic content.... The term "slightly music synthesizerish" comes to mind.
* Slow delay 1 -- Combined with 4X oversampling it delivered the very smoothest rendition, which I could characterize as being almost tuby in nature. If a super relaxed sound is what you seek, and you do not mind a trace of pleasing euphony, this is the combination to use.
* Slow delay 2 -- In combination with 4X upsampling this is my preferred setting. The opinion is shared by Tim Crable. More extended than SDLY1, it delivers more perceivable harmonic information and micro transients, but does not cross into emphasizing leading edges or stressing the treble content. Great staging and imaging, by the way. Marvellous musical rendition.... I can relax and sink into the music for hours at a time.
* DSD -- A bit of a wild thing in my context.... Enormous amount of information, but a setting that makes me sit strait and "ready to bolt".... It sounds slightly etched, and never lets me relax and just listen to music for sake of the music itself.

By the way, use of proper PCs, power conditioner, and dedicated line are all factors that influence K-01 performance.

Lastly, K-01 with 4X upsampling and Slow Delay 2 filter has yielded the sound that I have preferred over all CD players that I have ever operated in my system.

Saluti, G.
The whole point of having the different settings is so that you can pick what sounds best for your own personal taste. Are you having some kind of problem with the way it sounds?
Hi Guido,

I have reviewed many of your previous comments regarding the K01and your wonderful review of the K01. I am now using a break-in disc with settings on 4X up sampling and slow delay 2 filter. I am amazed that you have had the time and discipline to break in all of the combinations and analyze the differences in such detail.

I do agree with all of your comments above.

What power cords have you tried with the K01?
Which power cord do you like best and why?
I currently use the K01 on a dedicated line with the stock power cord.

I read in one of your recent responses that you had the K01 for nine months. I am curious, why did you get rid of it?
What are you using for your front end now?

Thank you for your very thoughtful and intelligent analysis.

One additional comment:

My K01 always sounds terrific, at all times. But, I have found that the K01 sounds even sweeter smoother, more alive with better harmonics, detail, transients, dynamics, sound staging and imaging (on all settings) after it has run for a few days non-stop. My amps, Krell 600e mono blocks, are also kept on while breaking-in the K01. The extensive warm-up apparently makes a significant difference.

By the way, I use a Kimber Cable balanced connection 1 meter KS1136 (Kimbrer's top of the line silver) connected to a Krell 707 processor in straight pre-amp mode. All pre-amp to amp connections are MMF CAST.

What are your thoughts on how much warm up time is required to reach peak performance?

Thanks again,