Green light from spouse - now what

I'm experiencing a very exciting audio development--my spouse has actually suggested I take what ever remaining pittance we have left in our home equity line of credit and construct a dedicated listening room! Of course, my imagination is running wild, but some of the first questions I have for the seasoned analog folks here are:

What equipment rack or stand or table are favorites for high-mass turntable users? As many here know, I have a Micro Seiki RX-5000 with the RY-5500 motor and the HS-80 inertial flywheel unit. The combined weight of this system is 145 lbs.

I have also just acquired a 24 inch x 20 inch Vibraplane 2210 which weighs another 145 lbs. What might be some options to support this 290 lb. total system?

Should I not even consider a rack that could hold other components on shelves below the Vibraplane/Micro and rather just have something for the turntable?

Also, should I place the HS-80 flywheel on the same platform (currently, the three turntable components require a width 40 inches when arranged in a straight line) or should it be placed on another free-standing platform (which would allow a narrower platform for the motor/turntable set)?

All these questions don't even address the idea posed on another thread about NOT placing a motor on a (or the same) Vibraplane as the plinth/platter. Assuming I'm not going to get a second Vibraplane and the consensus is to separate the motor from the Vibraplane, what would be the best way to raise the motor to the same height as the Vibraplane/plinth/platter? A Mapleshade wood block? Something else?

My head is spinning not only from the green light my spouse has just given, but the enormous variety of choices to address this problem. I'm hoping this Forum can help with the answers!

Thanks in advance for any insights...
some truth hidden in that kidding!
You seem to underestimate the "fifth element" the ROOM!
And the room acoustics that come with it.
I totally agree that's were you should concentrate efforts and $$$ next.
PS: there comes a point when switching 'boxes' does NOTHING more for you then - changing - but not really - improving -the sound. I of course assume you are looking for 'more' MUSIC rather then a changing ~ 'sound experiences'.
I concur with the other posters. Get a dedicated room if you can. If not, the first thing is to get your tables out of/off of that Salamander (at least, it looks like Salamander). I would think that with the Vibraplane all that you really need is sturdy support for 350-400 lbs and some surface area, so there are lots of options. Without the Vibraplane I should think your options would be fewer.
There is no need for concurrence on a dedicated room--I guess my original post was unclear in that I am definitely moving forward with that. The question was about what recommendations people had for table/surface areas for my turntable set up, with the plan to use the Vibraplane.

Dan_ed, any specific recommendations regarding the "lots of options" for a table/surface?

Another point to make (especially to Glory's wife!)--the Apogee Scintillas never reside in the living room for more than a few hours at a time because of their ridiculous scale in our living room,. Even I agree with you! I move them out on a dolly to make the living room normal again after my listening sessions, which are too rare. Hence the dedicated room project. My everyday listening is with the JM lab speakers visible behind the Scintillas.
sounds like a plan you got going.
The next thing is NOT to underestimate the least / fewest acoustic "tricks", without going over board, as can be seen with some posted systems.
You would not want to get an effect like some wood-pecker might have in his cave :-)
Acoustic room treatment is not exactly that 'simple' to arrive at, as some well treated, thought-out room might suggest on initial viewing.
Good luck,

I was thinking that just about any sturdy/stout table, desk, other piece of furniture should work as long as it has the surface size adequate to support the vibraplane, assuming that all of your TT gear will fit on the vibraplane. I also see that you are using granite under things. I am not familiar with the feet on your gear, but my experience with granite under my table has not been completely successful. Replacing the granite with the vibraplane should provide a big step forward. It is also possible to reduce or eliminate the effects of granite by using other vib control devices. In my case the Stillpoints have worked well although they also lend a bit of coloration.

The nice thing about a piece of furniture is that you are giving back to the look of the room. Something this simple, if done right, can really get the SO excited about that even if they never come round to insanity that is this hobby. I'm thinking at the moment about one of those server pieces you sometimes find with dining room sets. Or, something antique. I'd bet you could get the spouse involved in that hunt! :-) However, if you have the money there are plenty of commercially available stands that should work very well.

Although I would agree that there may be an issue with having the motor on the vibraplane, there could also be an issue with getting the motor pod in the same plane as the platter. I would suggest that you stay prepared to experiment once you get things setup.